Parent like a pro.

Welcoming a new baby into your life is one of the most exciting experiences. It also takes a lot of adjusting as you navigate all the ups, downs and surprises that come with parenting a newborn. After helping raise babies for generations, Huggies® has learned a thing or two and has tips, techniques, and products to make caring for your newborn easier.

Home away from home: your diaper bag.

A well-stocked diaper bag is invaluable. Must-have items for a newborn include Huggies® Diapers and Huggies® Wipes, a changing pad, plastic bags for messy diapers, two spare outfits, pacifiers, hand sanitizer and a hat. To find items easily, place them in separate bags inside your diaper bag based on category, such as clothing or diapers.

Get by with a little help from your friends.

When friends and loved ones offer to pitch in, let them! They likely know what life is like with a newborn and want to help. If they need ideas, you can suggest they bring a meal, pick up groceries and Huggies® Diapers (hint-hint), or just hold baby while you shower or nap.

Find your people.

There are a lot of ups, downs and unknowns with parenting a newborn. Join a local parent or baby support group to connect with others and share helpful advice and support. A nice bonus: Your newborn will have a group of friends to socialize with as they grow. Check your local hospital or library for listings. If in-person meet-ups aren’t an option, plenty of support groups exist virtually and can be found on social media.

Splish, splash, tips for bath.

Make bath time comfier with a baby bathtub you can place in your tub, on your counter or even in the kitchen sink (that’ll save your back). Test the water temp before placing baby in the tub, then use a small amount of baby cleanser and a washcloth or sponge. Talk, sing and play with baby so they learn that bath time is about more than just getting clean—it’s a time to connect. If they aren’t happy, it’s fine to keep baths short. As long as baby is wiped after each diaper change, three baths a week is plenty.

The calm before the snore.

While newborns are known for having little regard for the clock, it’s still good to establish a consistent, calming bedtime routine. Start winding down about thirty minutes before bed. Dim the lights, read books and keep noise to a minimum. If your baby enjoys baths, consider a warm soak then dress them in cozy pajamas or a swaddle blanket.

Avoid the comparison trap.

Every newborn—and parent—is different. Some babies sleep through the night sooner; some moms take longer to recover from childbirth. Be patient and try to not compare your baby's development or your parenting journey to others.